Weight Loss RD Dietitian

When you are older what works?
Foods to choose

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Dental Health

Weight this week at 184.  Broke a tooth that had to be removed so soft foods and no walking for 2 days.  Back to walking yesterday + had fresh zucchini from the garden microwaved until soft and sprinkled with a little cheese for supper last night.  Feeling better.  Yogurt, cottage cheese, soft fruits, protein drinks have been my fare. Plenty of water also included!

Keeping busy no matter how you feel is important.  For a year I sold a variety of items on facebook in an attempt to downsize.  Then I got an ebay store a little over a year ago to reach more potential customers.  The paper mache Spanish lady will be listed in the store soon.  Here is a link https://www.ebay.com/usr/antiquevintageitemsusa to the other items.   

Psalm 106:1  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Fresh Air and Sunshine

Exercise in the Fresh Air! Sunshine is necessary for our well being.
Gardening in the summer helps me get out into the fresh air and sunshine on a regular basis.
Walking daily keeps me toned.
Exercise comes in many forms and diversity is the key to continuing a program of weight loss.
Movement lessens stress and keeps my joints and bones strong when worked into the routine of life.

Regular Checkups
Here I am going along thinking I'm doing pretty good and THEN - Blood work comes back from the Doctors office and my cholesterol has jumped.  Unusual as it remained steady for years.
Have never seen a cardiologist so health care provider encourages an initial visit to establish base values.
Pulmonary baseline also recommended.
Seeing a healthcare provider once a year is important and following their recommendations even more so.

Tracking intake so I can see where to improve. 

Best news 
Last week I was down 1.4 pounds.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Turning 69

My birthday was lots of fun with my little great nieces and nephew.
I weighed 184.4 pounds.

Walking 1.8 miles this day.

Since my last post I walked 1.8 miles each day- starting earlier in the morning makes it easier due to the temperatures and humidity this time of year in NE. 

Starting my day off with fresh air and exercise sets the tone for the day.

Before corona hit I was going to the gym 4 times a week for 2 months and felt like I was making progress.  Considering going  back to the gym to tighten and tone muscles- had a workout routine created by a trainer at Planet Fitness that was working well.

In the meantime regular exercise each day keeps the mind alert, reduces cravings, and I get more done.

Food Diary

Keeping track of what you eat drives home the need for portion control. 

If you don't write it down - it is easy to over eat- mindless eat or snack.

Adding that to my daily health plan.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

68 years old & 45 pounds to goal - what will I do?

Each day to achieve my goal of a 45 pound weight loss.

I'm a registered dietitian- should be easy right?

Losing weight is long term- And it's a daily struggle.

Soon I turn 69.  

And I'm going to journal the highs & lows and what I learn along the way.

Join me